Tag Archives: kids

baby photo thing 1 and thing 2 pair wear a pear shoe snaps kids children

Famous Pairs

Sharing some famous pairs that we love in honor of Valentine’s Day! It’s February, and that means Valentine’s Day! What better way to celebrate than by matching some of the most favorite pairs?! You know, they go together like: Peanut Butter & Jelly Thing 1 & Thing 2 (photography credit: chiphotographyofcharleston.com) Macaroni & Cheese Left Shoe […]

back to school days kindergarten mommy

Back To School…

It’s that time of year and children are going back to school! Some parents couldn’t be more excited that summer madness with daycare and camps is over but others dread the days of car rider lines and packing lunches at midnight. As for me…this is the start of my first baby heading off to Kindergarten, […]